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Top 7 Trends of 2019 for Mobile Application Development

Writer's picture: Biju PaulBiju Paul

A host of mobile applications have been developed. Here’s an update on some of the key trends and applications

#Technology is among the few avenues that are ever growing. Every day there are some advancements in science and technology, and some of them have the potential to change how we see the world. Technology is in every aspect of our lives, especially in our hands i.e our #mobile #phones.

Mobile #application #development has been growing at an exponential rate and every year, there are some trends that revolutionize the industry. Now, as 2019 moves ahead, there are several trends in mobile application development that can change how we interact with technology. Here are the top 7 trends:

Implementation of artificial intelligence has grown significantly in our day to day lives. From mobile apps to mobile phones themselves, #AI and machine learning have been extensively used to make out experience better. There is a lot of potential in AI as it can reduce manual effort and improve output.

Research by the International Data Corporation has shown that by the year 2020, the market share for AI would reach US$40 billion.

AI can be used to better automate DevOps which means software can be built, tested and pushed to the user more efficiently and quickly. Processing chips with AI and machine learning can make the workload more streamlined and increase longevity. One example would be that after a certain time period, mobile phones start to slowdown and start lagging on performance. AI can deal with these problems by allocating the right amount of memory and performance to the apps that are used frequently and the ones that aren’t, which will also maximize battery life. The possibilities are endless!

There was a lot of hype surrounding the #Oculus #Rift and #HoloLens when they initially came out, but sadly, the idea was too ahead of its time. Now, the tech is making an ambitious return after a lot of research and development. Both these technologies can be game changers if used correctly. Currently, several apps including Snapchat and Instagram are using #AR technology pretty seamlessly. This tech can be implemented into educational apps as well as applications used in the field of medicine.

In 2019, more developers will be willing to leverage #AR and #VR technologies now that they know there is a market for it and people are actually interested in it. There are already several AR apps on the App Store and #Play #Store that have been downloaded by thousands and thousands of people. When it comes to VR, #Google (#Android) and Youtube have implemented it into their core allowing the use of basic VR headsets to try and make content more immersive.

3. Moving to the #cloud

Cloud-based technologies have already established themselves in our lives be it our music, document that we share with each other, our conversations, etc. And, there is no end to where this technology can go. It can help in making mobile application development more secure, reliable and swift. Now, with companies like #Google and #Apple investing heavily in cloud technologies, the development and growth can allow the processing of more powerful apps straight from the cloud. For example, video games can be run on the cloud which means the user may not need to have a powerful PC or a console at their disposal.

Cloud technologies can revolutionize the gaming industry and with the latest announcement, Google seems to be gunning for the same. Its project “Stadia”, that was recently announced, is a cloud-based gaming service which, they claim, can run games at 4k (4 times the resolution of full HD) and at 60 frames per second.

When the concept of smart wearables first came out, it was received with a lot of skepticism. Now, every second person has some kind of a smart wearable, be it a watch or a fitness tracker. There have been surveys showing a steady increase in wearable tech over the years. This means that there is a growing market in wearable technology.

This can lead to better development in tracking technologies which can lead to a healthier outlook towards life in general as well as an integration of a variety of wearable apps. The increase in the use of smartwatches can also mean a decrease in traditional watches. But, one thing is for certain, smart wearables are here to stay.

5. Internet of things

Internet of Things or #IoT basically describes the interconnectivity of multiple objects with each other through physical sensors, software, and electronics. Currently, IoT is being used by big companies such as Samsung and Xiaomi to make their everyday products become even more useful and helpful for the end user. Google Home is a great example of IoT being used in one of the best possible ways. With the growing implementation of IoT, application development is bound to grow as well. Imagine a time when your fridge tells you that you need to get milk. Well, you don’t have to imagine because it already exists!

Everybody knows what a mobile wallet is and what they can do with it. This technology has grown so quickly that it has taken methods of payment by storm. Nowadays, people prefer using mobile wallets for all kinds of payments rather than giving cash. Digital wallets have become safer and more rewarding. This has also allowed the technology to grow and be implemented in areas that would otherwise be strictly cash or physical transaction based. It is expected that in 2019, the number of mobile wallet users will grow to 2 billion. As this technology grows, we can expect contactless payment methods and even more security.

7. #Blockchain technology

It’s been a while since blockchain came into existence and that market for the technology has been growing steadily growing. It has proved its worth in the banking and finance sector as well as insurance and healthcare sector. Now that blockchain has been integrated into the mobile app development sector, developers can work towards making the technology even more accessible to their investors and the public. It has allowed these various sectors to deal with money without any problems.

These mobile application development trends will continue to dominate the industry with their quick growth rate and promising rewards. The entire world and users of these technologies are at cross-roads. While we continue to reap the dividends of this growth the downsides of over usage of the technology is already having an impact on our society. Their effective and balanced use is what we all must aim.



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